уторак, 25. октобар 2016.

... Ali je zato predivan osećaj kada pričaš sa pametnim ljudima...  But,  its so wanderfull feeling when you talking with smart people... Posle pametnog razgovora imaš osvetljen put i nadu da će sve doći na svoje mesto.  Mora.  And after that talk,  you have lighted way and hope that's everything will come on oneself place.  It's must be. Imaš osmeh i volju da nastaviš da hodaš i radiš onako kako ti misliš da treba,  i tada znaš da ideš pravim putem.  You can to continue to going and working on a way how you think that correct and you know that going the real way.  Osmehni se,  sa sjajem u očima i hodaj samo napred.  Give the smile and shine in your eyes and go just forward...  Srećno! Good luck!  

понедељак, 24. октобар 2016.

Hey,  how are you stupid that you believe in this lie?  I can't believe,  your brain is so washed,  that's incredible.  But,  why I am surprised,  it was be excepted from you.   What about you talking,  wtf,  am...is the future, ru...is lie...wtf,  you must be so stupid,  so washed,  so crazy, so... And without brain,  definitely.  Hey,  where are you live,  hellooo... Open your eyes...  Knock,  knock...  Open the  door.  We are here,  in this world, in this time,  in this place...and with people from here and from there. Heart and soul,  education,  smart and intelligence, work, science,  resourh, ...detail,  deep...are future and on price...  And,  yes , oh yes,  you have to afraid from stupid,  not from smart people.  Think about that.  If you can.  And yes,  oh yes,  the known is the light,  known is freedom.  And yes,  oh yes,  I am love and I writing about war,  the third world war.  Try to understand...

Koliko čovjek mora biti glup da dozvoli da mu mozak ispiraju neki veštački ljudi, neki roboti? Ipak, čemu čuđenje kada vidimo novinare,  posebno ove lokalne...  Muka da te uhvati...  Oni jednostavno pričaju onoliko koliko znaju,  koliko im je mozak ispran, da budu toliko glupi, naivni, drski, drčni, isprani... Jadno,  bedno... Da li da se isplačeš ili smeješ...od muke ili... I bila sam u pravu,  Barbara, kada sam ti rekla, Barbara,  gluposti se plaši,  pamjeti se ne boj...  Iako je jecaj dubok zbog varvara,  Barbara,  gluposti se ti plaši,  pamjeti se ne boj... Jer,